Imagine the gentle power of warm, welcoming waves, perfectly sandy beaches, and weather that leaves you wanting more. Welcome to a St. Lucie getaway. What is that something more you’ll experience? World-class fishing, watersports, mastering golf swings, or retail treasures. Whether by water, by land, or around town, St. Lucie’s greatest gems are yours to explore.

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It turns out that the weather is just as attractive to marine-life as it is to visitors. St. Lucie’s underwater world is rare in its diversity of wildlife.

The healthy ecosystem makes for multifaceted fishing. Toss a line in from a pier, a kayak, or a deep-sea charter boat. It’s an outdoor classroom to learn how to tailor your bait and strategy for a variety of targets, or a retreat to effortlessly enjoy a successful day on the water.

If you’re more of an active observer, enjoy snorkeling and SCUBA diving on reefs just offshore of Pepper Park Beach or Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. Or launch a personal or chartered vessel from one of the boating marinas to explore reefs farther offshore for an up-close and personal view of the ocean-life and environment.

Thrill-seekers will find their bliss on top of the water: riding the waves on a surf board, racing buddies and family on jet skis, whipping across the ocean’s surface on an inner tube pulled by a motor boat.

At the ocean’s edge, there’s a beautiful, sandy frontier that blurs the distinction between water and land. From the beaches of St. Lucie, read a book that’s been on your list, play with your family and friends, reflect on your incredible vacation, or feel the gentle reach of warm, welcoming waves lapping at your toes.

On terra firma, beneath the beautiful, blue skies, St. Lucie has activities for everyone.

For example, hiking in St. Lucie isn’t just for exercise. It’s an immersive adventure in nature. The kind of nature with familiar and exotic plants across the landscape, and cheerful conversation from rare birds.

When you’re ready to hit the links, the scent of freshly cut, green grass, palm tree-lined fairways, and access to pointers from expert pros bring out the joy of golf.

The outdoor fun continues across farm tours, botanical gardens, horseback riding and sports both to watch and play. While St. Lucie is a fabulous outdoors destination, it doesn’t end there.

While nature is outstanding in St. Lucie, so are the stomping grounds and things to do around town.

Need a shopping fix? Escape into the world of fashion, glamorous jewelry, and one-of-a-kind finds that suddenly become necessities and conversation pieces.

St. Lucie becomes your entertainment anchor, breaking routine with festivals and celebrations throughout the year.

Get in touch with the creative vibe by exploring the museums, galleries and performing arts.